Dear BA Foodist, Can you set me straight on tipping?


送交者: 蒙古观众 于 October 21, 2008 13:16:35:

回答: 【其它】分赃的腐败 由 红门 于 October 21, 2008 02:14:24:

The BA Foodist's Tipping Rules

RULE NO. 1: Unless the server is rude, condescending, and/or completely
absent, tip between 18 and 20 percent.

RULE NO. 2: Never tip on tax. Tip based on the subtotal. And if you're
calculating your tip simply by doubling the tax, stop it--you're being cheap.

RULE NO. 3: Unless you drink like Dean Martin or have a taste for expensive
wines (i.e., $40 or more, depending on your budget), it's best to include
booze when calculating a tip. Bartenders expect a dollar tip per drink (which is usually about 20 percent of the drink's price), and it's no different with

RULE NO. 4: Never turn a blind eye when others are tipping--especially if they're unfamiliar with our tipping culture (i.e., Europeans). If you think
your tablemate is lowballing the service, it's best to hand the waiter a few bills on the way out.

RULE NO. 5: If a few dollars here and there really matter that much to your bank account, perhaps you shouldn't be going out to eat in the first place.



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