Xiao Sha, Where are other chapters?


送交者: WaterFire 于 November 05, 2003 08:44:42:

回答: Wei,写小说价值可就不大了。请查E 由 小沙 于 November 04, 2003 15:47:46:

The two (2, 7) are good: not only me, but a lot of readers thought so (see the follow up posts from the site). You see, fiction has its values! If you did not finish all the chapters, please continue!
My son (9) told me recently, he wanted to be a poet when he grows up. He thinks doing science, engineering and all other jobs are too hard: too many things to learn and to remember. He thinks poets are doing easy job, write down whatever come to their minds. I do not know where he got the idea and I do not know when he will find it is even harder to be a poet than to be a scientist.
Here is one of his poems, don’t laugh too hard:

Dear in my backyard

Dears, dears in my backyard
One is eating, other on a close guard
Blades of grass so they eat
Winter is a season they’ll soon meet
In their dens they so sleep
When Spring comes they will leap
They will eat a good meal again
Underneath the April rain

Take care!



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