


几星期前不幸被确诊为晚期肝癌的吉林大学校友杨家华,已于昨日 凌晨无奈地走完他人生的旅程,留下没有工作的妻子和一个只有 七岁的孩子。

杨家华,1962年生于吉林省德惠县,1979年进入吉林大学半导体 系学习。毕业后,分配到天津电子部46研究所工作。1996年以 H1B签证来美工作。

杨太太和儿子刚来美国与他团圆不久,就遭遇如此不幸。我们呼 吁吉林大学校友会、东北乡亲、中国的同胞,大家伸出温暖的双 手,帮助杨家华的家庭度过这段最艰难的日子。 希望大家能慷


Attn: Shifang Sun (孙世舫)
38850 FARWELL DR. #12D
Tel: 510-713-1629


Alumnus YANG Jiahua, age 39, lost his final battle with the advanced-stage liver cancer only a few weeks after the diagnosis. He passed away at his home in Fremont, California, before dawn on February 5th, 2001. He is survived by his wife and a seven-year-old child. Born in 1962 in Dehui, Jilin Province, Jiahua attended Jilin University between 1979 and 1983, majoring in semiconductor science. Upon graduation, he was assigned to the 46th Research Institute of the Ministry of Electronics Industry in Tianjin. He came to the United States to work on an H1B visa in 1996. His wife and child came recently from China to be reunited with him, only to find themselves witnessing the incredibly painful suffering he underwent in the final phase of his life. The sudden loss has had a devastating impact on the family, particularly his wife, SUN Shifang, who is currently unemployed. It is our sincere hope that all Jilin University overseas alumni, brothers and sisters from the Northeast, and the Chinese community in North America will support his family in any way you can to help the widowed mother and child in this time of catastrophic crisis.

Donations may be made to the wife:
Ms. Shifang Sun
38850 Farwell Dr., #12D
Fremont, CA 94536
Tel: 510-713-1629

Friends and Alumni of Jilin University



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